Just across the UACC parking lot, the Forensic Treatment Center, formerly Metropolitan Psychiatric Center, houses 75 men and women who have a major mental illness, brain injury, intellectual disability or other conditions severe enough to cause them to be unable to understand legal proceedings against them. UACC's own Matthew Mahaffey, a public defender who defends many clients from there, describes the residents as "largely forgotten by society."

Except by UACC, that is. Before COVID, the UACC choir sang for FTC residents four or five times as an outreach project. FTC Chaplain Karen Pitt describes the concerts as the high point of residents’ time at FTC, a hopeful sign that they are not forgotten. Chaplain Karen says more than anything, FTC residents need to interact with people who care about them.

Putting together FTC's needs and the choir's outreach, UACC is going Christmas Caroling at FTC on Sunday, December 11 after cookies and coffee at church. Whether or not you choose to carol, there are lots of opportunities for adults and children to help show our love and give hope.

Opportunities To Give Hope to FTC Residents

Sign Christmas Cards: We'll have 75 Christmas Cards that need brief handwritten words of caring signed by you on tables in the lobby Sunday, December 4 and 11 before and after church.

Kids Draw Pictures for FTC: We'll have markers and paper so kids can draw pictures on December 4 and 11 to give to the three FTC units to put on their bulletin boards. Alternatively, kids are invited to draw pictures at home and bring them to church on those Sundays.

Help Wrap Gift Bags: Wednesday, December 7 from 9:00 to 11:30 am at UACC we need 5-7 volunteers to assemble gift bags for 75 residents. It's a great opportunity to meet people you don't know yet, catch up with people you haven't seen for a while and make a difference in someone's life over spiced cider and Christmas cookies. And if you like, bring a friend.

Come Sing with Us: We need 12-15 carolers to walk across the parking lot to FTC after worship and coffee on Sunday, December 11. Pure Catering will provide lunch. Scott Schoonover will invite and encourage members of the choir to participate and bring music and song sheets. So if you love to sing and want to bring the hope of Christmas to FTC, come join in. Wear your Santa hats, reindeer antlers, outdated Christmas sweaters, ornament earrings, Dickensian scarves and top hats. it might just be the most heart-warming Christmas activity of the season. Let's get festive!

Help With COVID Testing: COVID tests are required for all who visit FTC. Chaplain Karen will be at UACC to administer COVID tests during coffee/lunch time after worship on December 11. We need 2 volunteers to time the tests.

If you want to get involved and show some love to FTC residents, sign up at church on November 27 or December 4 OR email Sandra at or text her at (501) 908-5898. However, you signup, please include both your email address and cell number.

We get as much as we give when we bring love and hope to people society has forgotten and those who serve them day in and day out. Thank you for your love and caring!

Sandra Miller and Matthew Mahaffey on behalf of the Outreach & Justice Ministries Team