We at Union Avenue have been committed to supporting Memorial Boulevard Christian Church with the food ministry in their high need area. We commit financially to the MBCC Food Pantry each year; this year our church budgeted contribution has been $2,500. We are glad to be able to make this commitment. Our financial commitment is a beginning; it is a gift that calls us to deeper engagement with God’s people in need of care and with our Disciples community at Memorial Boulevard who welcome us to work hand in hand, and heart to heart with them.

We hope to have at least one UACC volunteer at the Food Pantry each Thursday. Daniel Leach and Randy Palmer plan to volunteer one Thursday per month, and we would love to fill in a schedule that would offer UACC support and relationship building each week!

Please contact Daniel Leach the first week of December to talk with him about volunteering!

Each Sunday, we will continue to collect your food donations to be placed in crates in foyer.

Items Needed at This Time: Canned soup, canned vegetables, canned beans, and peanut butter.

They also need fresh meat products to serve during their hot meal distribution. Financial contributions will allow the Pantry staff to make these fresh meat purchases. If you would like to make a financial contribution you may place a check in the offering plate. Please make it payable to Union Avenue Christian Church, indicating on the memo line that it is for “MBCC Food Pantry.” You may also contribute online through the Union Avenue Givelify App. There you may indicate that it is for the Memorial Blvd Food Pantry.

If you are looking for other opportunities to support the MEMORIAL BOULEVARD CHRISTIAN CHURCH FOOD PANTRY, you might want to consider a year-end, tax-deductible cash donation. Any Missouri taxpayer who donates cash or food to a Missouri food pantry may claim a tax credit. The credit claimed shall equal 50% of the value of the contribution or donation made. Credits cannot exceed $2,500 per taxpayer per year, cannot exceed the taxpayer’s tax liability, and acknowledgement of the donation using form MO-FPT must be signed by a representative of the pantry organization. More information and the MO-FPT filing form are available here.