The arrival of November is our reminder that soon we will pause as individuals, families and as a nation to celebrate THANKSGIVING. Thanksgiving offers each of us the opportunity to count our blessings — the freedoms we enjoy, the time we spend with loved ones and friends, the work that enriches our daily lives, and the opportunity to gather together and worship the God who enlightens our past and lights our path forward. This tradition reminds us that no matter what our backgrounds or beliefs, no matter who we are or who we love, at our core we are all children of a faithful God, and for this we can be forever thankful.

Sunday, November 20, Union Avenue Christian Church will will join together with neighbors and friends from Westminster Presbyterian and Pilgrim Congregational United Church of Christ to celebrate the annual Union Council joint THANKSGIVING WORSHIP SERVICE. Union Avenue will host this year's festivities as we close out the church year with a REIGN OF CHRIST FESTIVAL OF LESSONS AND CAROLS. The final Sunday of the Church year is the "Feast of The Reign of Christ," and this "Festival of Lessons and Carols" is a service of scripture and song that tells the story of Christ from "the promised coming" through "the incarnation," Jesus' baptism by John in the Jordan through "the temptation," "the transfiguration," "the triumphal entry," "the Passion and crucifixion," "the resurrection," and "the ascension."

Please plan to join us as we celebrate with songs of praise and stories of faith!  Our music in worship will be provided by the combined choirs of the three churches, and we will have a fellowship luncheon following worship.