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Eighteen months ago, after the initial COVID-19 mitigations were put in place all over the country, our weekly worship shifted to online as our congregation sheltered in place.  Church services never stopped but continued on in various forms to safely comply with Covid-19 restrictions.  Online service compilations found us celebrating and worshiping at home.  By early June, in-person services were live streamed each Sunday morning from the Gallery in addition to our weekly New Media worship video.  And on September 12, we were finally be able to add worshiping in the sanctuary back into the life of our congregation. 

We can savor this milestone by continued compliance with the Board-approved recommendations that were initially put in place in June to reopen the church building.  (A word of thanks goes out again to the REOPEN Task Force members:  Britani Chase, Bob Settle, Karen Tye, Sam Regino, Ron Lindsay, Kathy Davis, and Rev. Michael Riggs, ex officio.)  A few highlights noted here will continue as we move to the sanctuary.  St Louis area health and safety conditions would determine if and when changes are needed in the future.

  • Vaccinations for those eligible are strongly encouraged and highly recommended.

  • Sunday School classes will remain via video teleconference until further notice.

  • Worship will continue at 11:00 am to allow for those attending the Sunday School programs time to arrive at church.

  • Masks will be required indoors by all attendees over the age of 2 years.

  • Physical distancing of at least 3 feet where possible will be maintained between attendees.
    Families and small groups may be seated together.

  • Congregational singing will be enjoyed while masked.

  • Individual communion elements will be available upon entrance into the sanctuary. Personal elements may be brought from home if desired.

  • Dedicated offering trays will be available for members and attendees to place their offering.

  • Children are welcome to all in-person services and events.

  • Nursery services will not be provided at this time.

  • Any food items, if provided, must be commercially and individually pre-packaged.

  • Socializing and scheduled Fellowship events will be held outdoors.

The COVID-19 pandemic is far from over and always changing, and these protocols and points of guidance will help us be able to worship in person and work to keep us safe.  The REOPEN Task Force will continue to monitor how the situation evolves and make further recommendations as appropriate.  Thank you everyone for your cooperation, and please go get your vaccine if you haven't already.

— Kathy Davis, REOPEN Task Force Co-Chair