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A New Council of Shepherds for a New Day at Union Avenue

Dearest Church Family,

Coming out of the last couple of years, at least one thing has become clear to me: we are being called to reimagine how we care for one another as a congregation.  There is always uncertainty and anxiety when it comes to change, that’s human nature, but we are changing.  So, as we intentionally plan our future, I come to you as President of the Congregation asking for nominations for the Council of Shepherds, and I am also encouraging us all to also reimagine the Council of Shepherds with two primary focuses: congregational life and congregational care.

As we consider what the Council of Shepherds needs to do for Union Avenue in 2021 and along the road ahead, let us think of “shepherding” as the tending of the Union Avenue flock with both our intentional fellowship together and our mutual attentive presence for one another.  A Shepherd focusing on “Congregational Life” would focus on things like helping to plan events, parties, or activities that bring us together in fun and fellowship, helping us find the zest of our common life together.  A Shepherd focusing on  “Congregational Care” would focus on visits with members, writing notes, making phone calls, or organizing help for a member in need of something.

As we work toward crafting a new vision for Union Avenue's future, surely Shepherds will play a vital role in how our congregation lives it out.  If you know someone with gifts for either Congregational Life or for Congregational Care (or even for both!), or if you yourself feel that you have those very gifts we need and want to share them, please prayerfully consider and then send those names to me so that they can be considered for nominations to the Council of Shepherds.

Even as we are called to be church at Union Avenue, we are also called to care for one another and find our common life in God.  We have so much to do together, and together we can accomplish it all through the love of God and our faithfulness in Christ's name.  Let's make sure that our future is well tended. Blessings,

— Robert Reed, President of the Congregation