
On September 27 and October 4, we will receive the special offering for RECONCILIATION MINISTRY in congregations across the Disciples of Christ fellowship. This year’s theme, The Rocks Are Crying Out: Show Up, Speak Up, Stand Upis based in Luke 19:36 -40, and reminds us, that like those first century disciples following Jesus into Jerusalem, we must lift our voices to acknowledge the divine message and the divine messenger that is Christ with us. We are the ones to break the silence of oppression and suppression of human dignity based on the color of a person’s skin or their nation of origin.

The harmful impact of systemic racism has been lain bare in the health disparities of those impacted by the novel coronavirus, compelling us to ‘speak up’ naming the conditions that unjustly impact poor, black, and brown communities.

The extra-judicial treatment of black and brown bodies has compelled many to ‘show up’ in peaceful protests to affirm equitable treatment by law enforcement and to affirm human dignity for ALL.

We, too, are compelled to ‘stand up’ to witness to Christ’s profound love on behalf of those who are without hope because of historic economic oppression and wealth disparities in our communities.

Your generosity to Reconciliation Ministry strengthens the work and witness of congregations to be the vicarious presence of Christ where we serve. Your generosity strengthens our voice to shout “Hosanna, Hosanna, blessed are WE, the ones who come in the name of Lord!” We thank you in advance for your generous giving on Sunday, September 27 and Sunday, October 4 to Reconciliation Ministry!    

How you can participate in the Reconciliation Ministry Offering

  • Use the Givelify app on your phone. Search for Union Avenue Christian Church in St. Louis. (You may also see our sibling congregation by the same name in Litchfield, Illinois.) Enter the amount and select the Reconciliation “envelope”;

  • Send a check payable to UACC with “Reconciliation” in the memo line. (Please mark the envelope “Attention: Financial Administrator”)

  • Contribute directly online with a credit card by selecting “Reconciliation Ministry Special Offering ” and indicate that you attend UACC in St. Louis.