
Last year many members and friends of the congregation graciously agreed to write a short devotional in conjunction with the AGUA art show Who is God.  This year we are doing a second version of the show, entitled Healing: Who Is God? Again, this year, UACC plans to create a devotional book to be shared both virtually and in a limited print edition.  Would you be willing to write a poem, prayer, reflection or other short piece that we can use?

Our time frame is somewhat condensed this year as Michael wants to use the book as a complimentary piece to the theme of healing in November.   

AGUA has complied a ​catalog of all the works in this year’s virtual show. You are NOT being asked to purchase the ​magazine (though you certainly can if interested).  This link to Blurb allows you to see the art and then select items you might be interested in using as inspiration to accompany your writing. We would like to try to have at least one work by each artist represented.

You can enlarge the pictures to get a better look at them and read the artist’s statement. A larger image of the work​(s) you are assigned will be emailed to you, along with the text that the artist provided.

If interested in writing, please send me a reply email no later than Saturday Sept 19 with the following:

  1.   Your name;

  2. If you would be willing to do more than one writing (only if needed); and

  3. Your top three choices—please send the name of the work/artist/page — OR if you would prefer to be randomly assigned a work please note that.

In return, you will receive a confirmation of the name of the assigned piece(s), due date and length (probably less than 400 words) and directions for submission. — Jennifer Darnell