/During Creationtide, we are finding ways to integrate contemplative practices into our daily lives as a way of opening to the Divine in deeper ways. The desired result thereby training our spirits for compassion in all things. This week take a moment each day to contemplate your own healing process. Or it could be a contemplative moment of fixing something you’ve been putting off for a time. Does something need some super-glue or spackling or mending? If so, do this with a prayerful intention. You may want to put a note somewhere in a highly-visible place — “Find beauty within the imperfections of life and accept peacefully the natural cycle of growth and decay. Be reminded to offer grace for imperfections ... for the beauty of the earth.”
“The higher goal of spiritual living is not to amass a wealth of information , but to face sacred moments.”
“Instead of building a road to somewhere other than where we are,” writes spiritual teacher Mark Nepo, “the life of the spirit requires us to open doors that wait before us and within us. This is what Abraham Heschel calls ‘facing sacred moments’ — the opening of doors into the life we already have.
“Certainly,” he continues, “there is nothing wrong with bettering our outer circumstances, but these constructions mean nothing if we never face the very pulse of life that waits like a kind mother at the edge of our exhaustion.”
Sit down wherever you are and listen to the wind singing in your veins. Gaze on Creation's beauty and meditate in God's temple as we move deeper into the Season of Creation and face sacred moments. Make time today to sit quietly and bring to mind a sacred moment you have known. Breathe your way back to it, and as you inhale, face it. Let its light warm you from within and offer healing. Please join us Sunday mornings at 10:45 ... on Facebook for prayer, song, inspiration, and gathering at the table as we seek to face sacred moments.