Two years later, and we’re finally going to have a PENTECOST PICNIC!!!  Come join in some food, fun, and fellowship as we celebrate the end of the 50 Great Days of Easter and kick off the summer as a church right after worship on Pentecost Sunday (June 5). 

Pure Catering will be grilling some hot dogs, brats, and black bean burgers (veggie), and everyone is invited to bring their favorite picnic side item and/or dessert, whether it’s a bag of your favorite potato chips, your grandmother’s prized potato salad recipe, or sweet potato pie.  Whether you bring an item to share or not, just be sure to bring your appetite!  Water, tea, and lemonade will be provided. 

Check out the SignupGenius link (HERE) and be sure to let us know if you are coming and how many will be in your group (adults and kids) so we know how much to grill.  And if you are bringing a side and/or dessert, please list what they are (and an approximate number of servings) in the comments so we don’t accidentally end up with sixteen bowls of “Lime Jell-O Marshmallow Cottage Cheese Surprise” (yes, it’s based on a thing and you can even listen to the song!). 

We really hope you’ll come and share in some long-overdue fellowship.  We’ll have the picnic on the church’s south lawn in the shady spot between the dye garden beds and the trees. (We’ll move things inside in case of inclement weather.)  Let’s celebrate the presence of the Spirit among us that calls us together as Church and kickstart the rebuilding of our congregational life after two long years.  (Special request: if someone has a cornhole set they can bring or a similar fun activity in which to share, please do so and let us know on the signup sheet.)

Eastertide blessings, and let’s close out the season in style!