Union Avenue is holding a special “Holy Triduum” Prayer Vigil between our Maundy Thursday worship service and our Easter Sunday morning worship service.  The Holy Triduum is the set of three days from sunset on Maundy Thursday to sunset on Easter Sunday that have been the ancient and traditional time of vigil and celebration for Christians at the arrival of the Resurrection each year. (“He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day…” from 1 Cor. 15:4)  This is a simple but excellent way to bring our Lenten pilgrimage to completion, enter into the miracle and season of Easter, and be united in prayer not only as our own congregation but also with Christians all over the world.

Every member of the church (and anyone else who would like to participate) is asked to be in prayer for one hour during this vigil as we anticipate the arrival of Easter and meditate upon the Paschal Mystery.  As an extra challenge to the church, everyone is invited to read the entirety of the Gospel According to Mark as part of or in addition to their hour of prayerful vigil. (It takes about 90 minutes to read it aloud in a public setting, so you can likely read it to yourself in about an hour.)  You do not need to come to the church building to participate — simply find a place and time where you can connect with God, be it at home in private, outdoors in God’s great garden, or anywhere you feel the presence of the Spirit and a sense of sacred space.  You can signup yourself via the online SignupGenuis (link HERE), or contact Rev. Michael to get help signing up.  For those wanting online prayer options, look for more information and updated resources in our Maundy Thursday email.

Thank you all for your willingness to participate in this Holy Triduum Prayer Vigil and help our congregation join together in prayer.