!! March 15 web.png

The Executive Team of Union Avenue Christian Church decided Friday, March 13, to cancel worship and all other public events held in our building through the end of March (effecting the next three Sundays: March 15, 22, and 29). The building will only be open for staff to tend to the business of the church and the various ministries housed therein (National Benevolent Association, Union Avenue Opera, Pure Catering). During this time, our staff will be working remotely when possible, but will also monitor their voicemail and email inboxes. We are not cancelling all the different ways we are Church, just worship and public gatherings for the time being. 

Not every story you read, hear, or watch regarding COVID-19 will have accurate information. For guidelines and other pertinent information, please use reputable sources such as the City of St. Louis Health DepartmentSt. Louis County Health Department, the Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization for accurate information. Additionally, PBS and National Geographic KIDS both have excellent, age appropriate resources available for teaching your children factual information about COVID-19.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Rev. Michael (214-868-8884 or Rev. Ron (314-650-6984 or contact one of the Shepherds (listed in your church directories). Keep these contacts handy so you can reach out quickly. 

Below is a recorded message for us from Rev. Michael for this Third Sunday in Lent.

Be safe … stay well …

As you move through this day, consider these little things that might help the community: 

  • Take a walk with a friend. It's one of the safest ways to spend time with someone these days. The birds are singing and the air is filled with the hopeful smell of spring.

  • Support your local food pantry/social services org/shelter/outreach ministry. People who are vulnerable will face even more challenges over the next few weeks.

  • Call someone who might be lonely. 

  • Making a grocery run? Check to see if your elderly neighbor needs you to pick something up.

  • Shop local businesses if you can. 

  • Plant some native flowers. They say that playing in the dirt boosts immunity. The birds and the insects need tending, too.

"Social distancing" does not mean that we stop being neighbors or stop being church together!