
Dear friends and family of Union Avenue, 

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ, the one who calls us together as Church and calls us to be his disciples.

Over the last few months, we have watched news of the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), and this past week has seen various social distancing efforts implemented to help slow down the transmission of this disease and give our healthcare system as much chance to build up its capacity for testing and treatment.  With several of us in demographics most at risk to this virus, and with our Christian commitment to be responsible neighbors who care for the well-being of others, it is our ethical responsibility to do our part in helping “flatten the curve” of this epidemic in the ways we are able.

The Executive Team of Union Avenue decided last evening to cancel worship and all other public events held in our building beginning today through the end of March (effecting the next three Sundays: March 15, 22, and 29).  The building will only be open for staff to tend to the business of the church and the various ministries housed therein (National Benevolent Association, Union Avenue Opera, Pure Catering). During this time, our staff will be working remotely when possible, but will also monitor their voicemail and email inboxes. We are not cancelling all the different ways we are Church, just worship and public gatherings for the time being.

These changes are being put in place for the sake of protecting the most vulnerable in our congregation and in our wider community. This is not a matter of panic, but a matter of compassion and ethical responsibility. The Executive Team will reevaluate at the end of the month about resuming public functions in April. Our hope is that such extraordinary measures of social distancing will have done their part and no longer be necessary come Holy Week.

During this time, the Executive Team and the Official Board of the Church will continue to be in discussion over the goings-on of Union Avenue. This Sunday's board meeting will take place via Zoom at 12:30 p.m. (Details on how to join the meeting will come in a separate letter to board members later this morning.) We will be updating everyone with information on the active ministries of the church and ways we all can support those ministries and each other, so please check the church website and Facebook page for further updates and resources.

Not every story you read, hear, or watch regarding COVID-19 will have accurate information. For guidelines and other pertinent information, please use reputable sources such as the City of St. Louis Health DepartmentSt. Louis County Health Department, the Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization for accurate information. Additionally, PBS and National Geographic KIDS both have excellent, age appropriate resources available for teaching your children factual information about COVID-19.

COVID-19 is creating special difficulty when it comes to our practices of visiting those who are homebound or who live in nursing facilities. Some residential facilities in the area have already decided to close down access for all visitors except in emergencies. Our in-person communion and care visits are currently suspended out of concern for the physical health of those we visit. This includes in-person visits from our pastors and shepherds. Know that the Shepherds will continue to keep in contact during this time, so your concerns will be shared and addressed. (Shepherds, our meeting scheduled tomorrow will move to the Zoom platform and rescheduled – details in a separate letter.)

Care for individuals and families will continue in the form of phone calls, FaceTime chats (for those who have that capability), cards, and other not-in-person forms of communication. Please consider taking the time to send cards and making phone calls to people on our prayer list and within our community:

Ruth Settle (Bob Settle’s mother), the family of Lorraine Briggs, the family of Betty White, Leah Willson, Elizabeth Sublette and family, Rose Shannon, the Freeman Family, Community Christian Church in Jefferson City (Rev. Bethany Imbler, pastor), Henrietta Woods, the family of Lance Touchette, Darlene Moorhead (Clela Anderson’s sister), the family of Ed Kampman, the family of Harl Ryder ( Jane Koch’s brother), Suzanne Webb, Diane Turley (Girl Scout volunteer in Wentzville), Bobby Huffines (Cheryl McNeill’s uncle), Michael Carter (Cheryl McNeill’s cousin), Drew Thurau (Rachel McNeill’s classmate deployed to the Middle East), the Banowetz family, Jennifer Darnell and the Jerry Darnell Family, Andrea Ramsey (Doug Rademaker’s friend), Joe Koch

This will help people to know that they are loved and remembered in this confusing time, even while our congregation is not congregating.

We will continue to keep a close eye on news from our local, state, and federal governments as well as from our healthcare and pastoral colleagues and advisors. Our weekly e-newsletters will continue so that we can keep up with the news of our church during this time, and Rev. Michael will be posting special devotional messages and “mini-sermons” online for us through these next few weeks as well as calling us personally to check in with us. Our Monday evening Bible study will move to the Zoom video conference platform online (contact Rev. Michael for details on how to join), and our Sunday School classes will have similar opportunity to convene over the Internet as they choose. (For example, the Faith & Daily Life class will continue its weekly email discussions.)

Finally, and sincerely, we invite you to pray for those infected, near and far, for their caretakers, for the medical community, and all who are anxious. As Christians, we have a unique and distinct duty to care for those most at risk during times of disease. We will face the challenges ahead together with grace and strength. And soon, we will gather once again around the Lord's Table to break bread, share the cup, and celebrate the good news of the world being turned right-side up through the love of God in Jesus Christ.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Rev. Michael or Rev. Ron or contact one of the Shepherds (listed in your church directories). Keep these contacts handy so you can reach out quickly.

Friends, let us all remember these words of Jesus: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid." (John 14:27)

Indeed, peace to you and to us all,

Enola Proctor, President of the Congregation
Robert Reed, President of the Board
Matthew Mahaffey, Vice President of the Board
Naomi Pope, Secretary
Randall Palmer, Treasurer
Rev. Michael Riggs, Senior Minister