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What does love of neighbor mean in 2018? Is living life in the presence of God a viable vocation anymore? How are we as followers of Jesus called to practice compassion in a world that implores us to "make America great again" while closing the door to opportunity for "the dreamers" among us? Can our faith and the prophetic call of those who have shaped the public voice of the Church help us to step beyond our fear?

Beginning Sunday, January 21, and continuing for three successive Sundays, Rev. Michael Riggs leads us into the Gospel of Mark for a sermon series entitled “HAVING SOMETHING TO SAY: THE PUBLIC VOICE OF THE CHURCH." In Mark's stories about the Kingdom of God, we'll discover how humanity — its society and institutions — impedes the in-breaking of God's kingdom more than it invites and how Jesus calls us beyond our fear. God's kingdom in Mark's gospel comes with power — the kind of power that transforms and illuminates the truth that God's kingdom best takes root among those on the margins — the least, the last, and the lost.

The message this SUNDAY, JANUARY 21 —  PROPHETS, PRIESTS, AND PROSCIUTTO drawing from Mark 5:1 – 20 and Isaiah 65:1 – 9 — begins by naming the demons that prevent us from moving forward and bringing life to the world. 

Week two of the series asks IS THERE NO BALM IN GILEAD? as we seek healing and reconciliation in God's Kingdom. Week three demands that we accept our prophetic witness and be holy advocates for God's children in THE SPIRIT BEHIND — THE STRUGGLE AHEAD. Week four brings us to THE SMELL TEST in which we must do a self-check to ensure our gospel is a revelation of goodness, truth, and beauty rather than condemnation. Please join us as we explore the Gospel of Mark in search of the powerful and prophetic "public voice of the Church."

Morning worship begins at 10:45 a.m. and Sunday school for all ages begins at 9:30.