Meet NBA XPLOR St. Louis Residents Evan, Kim, and Lauren, and learn more about their service with community engagement sites — including Webster Groves Christian Church and Neighborhood Houses — and their life among us here at Union Avenue Christian Church.

The National Benevolent Association (NBA) initiates ministry programs designed to establish and grow partnerships around health and social service ministries. With XPLOR, NBA partners young adults with Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) congregations and the communities they serve — impacting neighborhoods, the congregations, and the young adults. Through the program and interaction with community and congregation, it is hoped that residents will sense the gravitational pull of their faith, develop hearts for care and discern how to focus their life’s work.

The four cornerstones of NBA XPLOR are:

  • Hands-on Service/Justice Work — Serving in and among neighborhoods to accompany local social service providers in extending care and confronting systems of injustice.
  • Simple Living in Community — Learning and practicing faithful, intentionally simple and culturally competent communal living.
  • Spiritual Discernment on Vocation — Striving through spiritual disciplines to discern the purpose for which one’s soul is made.
  • Disciples Leadership Development — Living out one’s Disciples identity and unleashing one’s leadership capacity.

We love sharing life with XPLOR residents Lauren, Kim, and Evan … they bring incredible energy and joy into the life of Union Avenue Christian Church. You can see for yourself why these three young adults are changing our community and changing our world!