/For those seeking peace and quiet beauty in the turbulent sea of "busy-ness" of the holiday season, we invite you to join us for THE LONGEST NIGHT SERVICE Wednesday, December 21, at 6:30 p.m.
We sing simple songs … we pray … we listen for the gentle spirit of healing and wholeness to invite us into the comfort of caring community. Please join us in the sanctuary.
“All around us are the sights and sounds of Christmas, Gentle God:
the laughter of parties, the songs of carolers,
the shouts of children sledding down hills, the music in every store.
But deep within us we carry our pain,
our grief walks with us every step we take,
loneliness is a shawl we drape over our shoulders on empty nights.
So, in this time when every night stretches into eternity,
we come to you, bringing our gifts:
not gold, frankincense and myrrh,
but the grief that is the empty space
in the closet filled with memories,
the loss that is a sore which never heals,
the bitterness that tastes like two-day old coffee.
So, be with us in our loneliness,
in our longing,
in our loss,
in our lives. Amen.”