Our CANDLELIGHT CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE is Saturday, December 24, at 7 p.m. This year we'll sing songs of hope, peace, joy and love as we revisit the manger in Bethlehem and share candlelight in the silence of the night. Please join us as we welcome the light of the world!

In the seasons of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany, we are particularly aware of God's gift of light revealed in the eternal Word that became flesh, and who dwells among us even now. This is the light that gives us hope for this present world in spite of disunity, abuse, hatred, violence, poverty, greed and corruption.

The birth of Jesus stands as a symbol of hope for all time — an invitation this year AND EVERY YEAR to value life. In his ministry he envisioned a new world — the Kingdom of God — where the last would come first and justice would roll down like mighty waters, echoing the words of the Hebrew Prophets. Our task this Christmas is to offer prayers and sing praises to God for all the gifts we have been given and also to act on the teachings of Jesus — to bring hope to people and places left in darkness. We recommit ourselves to the Christian faith at Christmas time and then are called to live out that faith into the world.