View from the Pew: Approved June 2023 minutes

Below are the approved minutes of the June 18, 2023 meeting of the Official Board of the Congregation. These minutes were voted on and approved at the meeting of the Official Board on Sunday, June 16, 2023.

Union Avenue Christian Church Board Meeting: June 18, 2023 MINUTES


Members Present:

Executive Committee

Kathy Davis, President of the Congregation

Frank Proctor, President of the Board

Michelle Mueller, Vice-President of the Board (and filling in as secretary for meeting)

Rev. Dr. David Greenhaw, Ex Officio (written report provided)


Ministry Team Leads

Outreach & Social Justice: Jacque Foster (written report provided)

Plant & Property: Neil McNeil (written report provided)

Investments: Richard Jones

AGUA: Carla Duncan (written report provided)


Also present:

Cynthia Briggs, representing Trustees



Anya Weber, Secretary of the Board

Doug Rademaker, Finance &Stewardship

Will Brickhouse, New Media


1.    Call to Order/Opening: 9:02 a.m.

a.    Frank opened the meeting with a communal meditation that invited each person to share in a few words whatthey felt the strengths of UACC are. People shared that strengths included: a deep sense of caring for eachother, a sense of family, commitment to outreach, being an open and affirming congregation, commitment to the neighborhood/city of St. Louis, nurturing each other's spiritual journey with Christ

b.    Michelle verified we had a quorum.

c.     Minutes from the May 21, 2023 Official Board meeting were shared via email on May 22. Neil moved thatthese minutes be approved, and Jacque seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


2.    Pastor's Report

Rev. Greenhaw highlighted portions of his written report:

•       Faith Communities Today (housed at Hartford, Conn.) did a 20-year study on congregations of all different faiths and denominations that focused on the vitality of congregations. The final report was published right before the pandemic and showed that every denomination is getting older and less vital. But for some congregations, an opportunity would see a newness of life (optimism) could live against the dominant narrative.

•       David said he will help us find our path outside that narrative.

•       He noted there are plenty of opportunities to get rid of clutter throughout the building.

•       He noted the value of Union Avenue Opera, NBA and the Art Gallery- which provide crossroads to the people outside the congregation, to the larger community and to the DOC denomination.

•       Opportunity to improve curb appeal of church by sprucing up grounds and cleaning up public areas -WOW factor.

•       Opportunity to show we are a highly active, functioning church by posting bulletin boards

•       Noted appreciation of church's current staff - Heather, Scott, Charles


3.     Board President report

a.     Frank shared that Doug R. has resigned as treasurer due to major changes in his work life. Frank clarified that replacing this ministry lead is done with an appointment by him as Board president and that this does not need congregational approval. He said he will be working on getting a replacement who would hopefully begin in July.


4.     Items for Discussion and Action

a.     SafeConduct Training for Board and members of congregation through Church Insurance Board/Praesidium(Michelle): Michelle shared that this was unfinished business from December 2022, and the Board and pastor atthe time supported pursuing training for individuals in the congregation to take the free, self-paced video trainings regarding youth protection/SafeConduct. However, due to indecision on who would track the trainings on the staff side, this project never got off the ground.

•       Now that congregational leadership is planning children-centered activities to be offered alongside adult activities connected with outreach and AGUA, Michelle suggested that Board members be the first to commit to completing these trainings to set an example and then suggest others who would like to work alongside children/youth begin the training modules.

•       The SafeConduct also includes background checks for volunteers wishing to work alongside with youth.

•       David will follow up with Heather about a database where all the training completions can be stored.

•       David also suggested a small group come together to determine guidelines/policy regarding youthprotection that is appropriate for our congregation. SafeConduct offers templates of policies that can be adjusted to meet our congregation's needs. Michelle will pursue this.

•       There was also discussion regarding capitalizing on faith formation opportunities for whenever children are present on Sundays. David suggested the first step could be that every adult makes a commitment to knowing 5 things about a child (name, birthday, what school they attend, etc.) to build connections.


b.    Addressing Plumbing issues (Neil): First floor women's bathrooms - running the traps is paramount, which means flushing every toilet FIVE times anytime you come into the building. The problem stems from 100-year-old+ pipes that were made to handle 2 toilets but we expanded it to 5 with a low-flush system to handle trafficfrom events such as the opera. Build-up in pipes causes backups to easily happen. Professionals have saidreplacing the pipes would involve tearing up the kitchen, foundation and beyond. Lining the pipe may be an option we would consider in the future to help make pipes more effective - that also will be a big ordeal andcostly but not as bad as replacing pipes. For now, flushing toilets as much as possible is the best solution but it can't be just one person's task - all of us need to make it a point to do when we are in the building.

•       Neil noted that Charles will be working full time at a new job and has not indicated when his "last day 11 is but plans to still be connected and working here as his time allows.

•       David will discuss with the Executive Committee about options to meet the custodial needs for cleaning, setup/breakdown for events, etc.

c.     Update on Shepherds process (Kathy) - Kathy said she received great nominations and has contacted eachnominee. Three have agreed to serve as Shepherds; two others are still considering it. Kathy will follow upand bring the names to the congregation soon so they can start in either July or August.

d.    Finance Update (Written report provided) - Neil needs final numbers of budgeted income and expenses forinsurance questionnaire; For next printed spreadsheet, it was suggested that a column be added for what the actual budget is for different line items. David said he would speak with the church accountants for this information.


5.    Update on Technology- David said he expects to have a report from GadellNet by Friday, June 23, 2023 that gives anassessment of the state of our technology and recommendations. He will discuss this with the Executive Committee. He also is looking into the high monthly cost for Spectrum with so few users.

6.  Ministry Teams' Reports (Written reports shared by email from Ministry Team leads)

A. AGUA/Carla - Carla highlighted that the Epiphany Project showed that our congregation wants to be involved in theneighborhood. Next Sunday, June 25 is the first Ivory Perry Park concert after a one-year hiatus. She challenged all Board members to show up next weekend for the concert and is posting signs on the doors. The concert is free.

7.  Rev. Greenhaw closed the meeting with a prayer at 10:32 a.m.