View from the Pew: Approved May 2023 minutes

Below are the approved minutes of the February 2023 meeting of the Official Board of the Congregation. These minutes were voted on and approved at the meeting of the Official Board on Sunday, March 26, 2023.

Union Avenue Christian Church Board Meeting

Sunday, May 21, 2023

 Call to Order / Opening 12:35 PM



 Executive Committee

Kathy Davis, President of the Congregation

Frank Proctor, President of the Board
Michelle Mueller, Vice-President of the Board

Anya Weber, Secretary of the Board

Rev. Jody Clegg, Bridge Pastor Ex Officio

Doug Rademaker, Finance & Stewardship


Ministry Team Leads
Outreach & Social Justice: Jacque Foster
Plant & Property: Neil McNeil
Investments: Richard Jones

AGUA: Carla Duncan


Also present:

Randy Palmer

Jennifer Darnell

Verification of Quorum / Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting

Anya verified that a quorum was present.

Meeting minutes from March 26 were distributed via email on March 28. Neil moved, Jacque seconded to have them accepted and entered into the record.


Items for Discussion and Action

1. Setting a more regular Board meeting time

The Board was receptive to suggestions that it would be helpful for Board meetings to happen more regularly and to be announced farther in advance. The Board settled on the third Sunday of every other month as our new meeting time.

The following dates were decided upon:

June 18 2023 (as this is Father’s Day, the Board will meet before worship); July 16 2023, Sep 17 2023, Nov 19 2023, Jan 21 2024, Mar 17 2024, May 19 2024.

This was approved unanimously.


2. Shepherds

 Kathy has already collected nominations; nominations close end of May. The Board discussed how confidentiality issues are dealt with among pastor and shepherds, and discussed the distinctions between the roles of shepherds and pastoral relations committee.

 Per the by-laws and constitution, it was decided that the congregation should see a slate of shepherds to approve at a congregational meeting.

 Rev. Jody read aloud the summary of the shepherds’ role from the constitution and suggested the Board review/revise description of shepherds’ core roles over the next few months.

 Kathy will start calling nominees to explore their interest in the role, and will send them a copy of constitutional language first.


3. Filling unfilled Ministry Team leads (Worship, Faith Formation, Hospitality & Welcome, Pastoral Relations and Interim Advisory Team)

 Frank suggested that we wait until July on this one, so there can be a conversation between the president of the Board and our new Intentional Interim Minister, who can then share their thoughts with the full Board.

 Jacque asked about the possibility of combining the worship and faith formation teams; this was discussed and no firm decision was reached.


4. Ad hoc committee to discuss meaning of “outreach” and appropriate use of Martha Morgan Short funds

 Richard brought for discussion a suggestion from the ad hoc budget committee’s report (approved at last Board meeting), as follows:

 ●      Appoint chair of the Outreach & Justice Ministry Team to form a committee that includes members of outreach ministry and a few others to define outreach for the purpose of Martha Morgan Short funds.

 Richard has created a summary of discussions about the meaning of “outreach” drawn from meetings and discussions at the church over the last couple of decades.

 Jacque as chair of Outreach & Justice will put together this team. She voiced intention to look at the language of the MMS bequest, and look at what outreach and mission IS in life of the church NOW.

 The creation of this ad hoc committee under Jacque’s leadership was unanimously approved.


5. Report from Trustees and recommendations

 Randy shared from the report sent around by the Trustees before this meeting. Main topics included starting a search for a building management company, and multiple concerns about Pure Catering (a building tenant).

 Pure Catering has been delinquent in rent payments, with 3 unpaid months in 2021 and 1 in 2022. So far in 2023 we have received one check for $2400. This is likely for 2 months as Pure Catering has pledged to pay 1% of their profits as rent, and typical rent payments for them have ranged from about $800 to $1200/month.

 Randy emphasized the need for a system to bill, track, and follow up on delinquent payments, as well as the need to set up sub-accounts for each building tenant. Doug Rademaker will discuss creating the tenant accounts with our accounting firm.

 Neil discussed safety concerns about propane storage in the parking lot, and stated that it is being stored safely. Randy stated that there could potentially be insurance issues as UACC could be held liable for any accidents if we’re aware that the storage is not safe.

 Carla shared a photo of multiple trucks making PC deliveries pulled up to the church’s back door, making it difficult to enter the building for art events. Others mentioned that PC vehicles are also sometimes parked in the middle of the driving lane near the entrance.

 Randy voiced concerns about PC staff leaving the back door propped open and unattended during delivery times, pointing out that anyone could come in and hide in the building.

 Randy expressed a need to right-size the rent (average rent for this type of space appears to be about $2400/month in STL; could be as much as $50K/year). More investigation is needed to determine true market value.

 The trustees will engage Tim from PC on unpaid rent issue, then on renegotiation of the PC lease (which is month to month).


6.  Membership audit

 Moving this forward was added to Frank’s to do list. Frank also will look at the national database to see when our last ALEX report was sent about church membership, etc.


7. Resuming passing the offering plate


The Board approved unanimously that this tradition of passing and blessing the offering plate will start on June 4, when we move back into the gallery.

 This will be announced 5/28 in worship and staff responsible for the bulletins, as well as Scott, will be informed about this change in our order of service.


8. Bridge Pastor’s Report (Rev. Jody)

 Rev. Jody expressed appreciation for the church and at the high level of involvement he noticed among congregants. He shared that he had to handle some challenging administrative tasks during his first few weeks on the job, but that this was a good learning experience. He emphasized the need for written policies on things such as space rentals, etc.

 He reiterated the major need for shepherds and for ensuring that pastoral care is once again flowing through the church as we care for each other during interim time.

 He stated that he feels encouraged by all of us every Sunday and has confidence we will be able to encourage each other as we enter this next phase.


 9. Finance/Budget Update (Doug)

 Doug reported that the church is doing an audit of roof pledges from past so we can push those payments in.

 He shared that there is a new email to be used going forward for all invoices, bills, etc.:

 Rev. Jody provided a benediction.

 Meeting Adjournment 2:51 PM