UACC Budget Bites … At the Congregational meeting following worship on Sunday, December 18, 2022, members who were present unanimously accepted a provisional budget for  2023. Neil McNeill, chair of Plant & Property Team, presented the budget in the absence of Finance & Stewardship chair Doug Radamaker. Neil shared that the board recommended asking the congregation to consider a provisional budget because it reflected a significant shortfall. The minutes of the December 4 Board meeting can be found in the righthand sidebar in the "View From The Pew" here. As mentioned in the December 15 newsletter, the board appointed four members to an ad hoc finance committee to take a deep dive into the budget, gather input from the congregation, and make recommendations to the Board that will balance the budget.

Neil explained between now and April, the  committee will hold Town Hall meetings to receive input from the congregation on ways to balance the budget. The first Town Hall meeting will be February 12 following worship. The committee also will be meeting throughout this transitional period to discuss ways of strengthening the budget process through the time when a recommendation for a final budget is brought to the board in April. 

Additionally, budget committee members will help educate the congregation about different components of the budget and how each component is funded through these weekly emailed newsletters. We invite you to share your input throughout the next few months. Please feel free to email or talk in person with Doug Radamaker, Neil McNeill, Richard Jones (investment chair) and Michelle Mueller (board vice president) with any questions, concerns or ideas to strengthen the budget. Together, with God’s guidance, we will continue to build God’s kingdom right here in St. Louis.