The Outreach & Justice Ministry (formerly called Outreach & Service) is a vital part of Union Avenue’s budget that allows our congregation to follow Christ’s example of reaching out into the world to share, to heal, to offer hope and compassion, and to change lives. Jacque Foster, who leads the team, graciously shared the following information for this week’s Budget Bites. Due to the projected shortfall in the 2023 overall budget, the team put together a preliminary budget that is significantly less than last year’s budget of $86,060. This year's designated figure in the provisional budget is $65,267, but the team is currently working with a conservative $58,345. Despite significant reductions, the ministry still has added three vital partners! The team is hoping the final budget will allow the congregation to make bold steps in journeying with those in need of compassion in our community.

The Outreach & Justice Ministry has four categories:

  1. Disciples of Christ Designated Outreach (Disciples Mission Fund and Others). This includes our General DMF giving, plus our Easter, Pentecost, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Week of Compassion and Reconciliation Ministry (Anti-Racism/Pro-Reconciliation). It also includes Global Ministries, NBA, Disciples LGBTQ-plus Alliance, and Bethany Fellows. The preliminary 2023 total for this category is $24,500. 

  2. Disciples-related Local Ministries include the UACC Urban Mission Inn, the food pantry at our sister Disciples congregation, Memorial Blvd. Christian Church (MBCC), and Hylton Point II Affordable Housing for Seniors. The preliminary 2023 total for this category is about $7,100. 

  3. Local Community Ministries are also UACC ministries that reflect our partnerships with others to engage in God's work in our local community through existing organizations with expertise in specific areas, such as Doorways, Covenant House, and Assisi House through which we can address the need for housing for all in our city.  This also includes Food Outreach, Pride events, and work that is justice-focused through Freedom Community Center and Metropolitan Congregations United.  The preliminary 2023 total for this category is $10,000. 

  4. The Discretionary Funds enable us to respond when unexpected needs arise, and allow us to build ongoing relationship and deep engagement with partners in the community, as we did in December with the Forensic Treatment Center, Soldan High School, MBCC Food Pantry, the Freedom Community Center, Assisi House, and several others. This portion of outreach also includes the senior minister's discretionary fund. The preliminary 2023 total for this category is $16,745. 

To read previous issues of Budget Bites, click on the following links:

  • January 5, 2023 Budget Bites focus on the Martha Morgan Short Funds HERE

  • December 29, 2022 Budget Bites focus on Plant & Property HERE

  • December 22, 2022 Budget Bites focus on Congregational Meeting and approval of 2023 provisional budget HERE

Please feel free to email or speak in person with Ad Hoc Budget Committee members: Doug Rademaker (Finance chair), Neil McNeill (Plant & Property chair), Richard Jones (Investment chair) and Michelle Mueller (Board Vice President) with any questions, concerns or ideas to strengthen the budget. A Town Hall meeting to discuss the budget will be February 12 following worship. Together, with God’s guidance, we will continue to build God’s kingdom right here in St. Louis.