Union Avenue has had a rich relationship with Soldan International Studies High School, where nearly all of its 500 or so students qualify for free and reduced-price lunches. Over the years, for example, UACC has tutored struggling students and provided breakfast snacks as well as hosted student art shows and meet-the-artist events. Most activities stopped with COVID. With Christmas fast approaching, the Outreach and Justice team has reached out to Soldan to reignite our work together.

Christmas Gifts -- Winter Coats for Kids

As a first step, UACC has committed to provide winter coats (and maybe even hats, gloves and scarves) for the children of 10 families in dire need for Christmas. There are two ways you can be a part of this opportunity to make a difference.

As a Group: Sunday School Classes, AGUA, Choir, Faith Formation, Plant and Property,
Outreach, and other groups are encouraged to sign up as a group to provide coats (and hats,
scarves or gloves, if you want) for all the children in a family. Commit now by emailing Rochelle Kaskowitz at Provide the name and telephone number of the group's point of contact. You will receive the name, age, gender and size for each child in the family on Saturday, December 3. (One Sunday School Class has already made a commitment!).

As Individuals and Families: You are encouraged to sign up for one or more individual children. To do this, take an ornament off the Angel Tree in the lobby on Sunday, December 4 (and December 11 if there are any left). Ornaments will include the name, age, gender and size of coat needed. On the table next to the Angel Tree, you will find a signout sheet asking for your name, telephone and email address as well as the name and ID number on the ornament.

Wrapped Coats Due At Church December 12 — Gift wrapped coats and whatever hats, scarves and gloves you might want to include are due at the church no later than December 12 by 4:30 pm.

Rochelle Kaskowitz and Rose Fischer are our leaders for this project