Dear friends and family of Union Avenue,

Following today's (Monday, October 24) tragic shooting at Central Visual & Performing Arts School here in St. Louis, we once again are confronted with the reality of gun violence in our lives.  In response, Union Avenue is hosting a community-wide prayer vigil tomorrow evening (Tuesday, October 25) at 7:00 p.m. for all those who can come.  We will gather to find strength in community, name the terrible tragedy that continues to befall our schools and neighborhoods, lament the lives of loved ones lost, hear the ancient promises of God for Peace, raise our voices in song and prayer, and share light and hope to guide us as we seek the dawning of a new day where we at last will see an end to gun violence.

I know that several of you have close connections with CVPA (Southwest HS) and that this hits very close to home.  While there are no words that can reverse today's loss of life and our continued loss of the world's innocence, there is space to be present with one another, to listen and comfort, to acknowledge and know and feel God's abiding presence that weeps and mourns with you and so many tonight.  Know that you always have my ear and my heart, and most importantly of all, we have each other in the bonds of God's love.

In hope for a better future, and in faith of God's work among us right now,
Rev. Michael