Please consider joining the Chancel Choir for Festival Choir — a special Wednesday and Sunday during which any member (or friend) regardless of vocal ability, music reading or experience is invited to come and join us for a one-time rehearsal and Sunday morning performance. No strings attached … this is your opportunity to spend time with the choir and see what it’s like to sing with this group with no further commitment or obligation. You’re only commitment is to come to the first part of rehearsal at 7:30 p.m. (for 30-45 minutes) on Wednesday, December 8, and rehearse two pieces with choir, then you would join us Sunday morning, December 12, at 10:15 a.m. (for a brief run through) and participate in the service that morning.

We will sing familiar, accessible Advent pieces and will offer support and guidance from current members. If you enjoy the experience and would like to continue, please know that you are always welcome to join at any point — we love new members! Please let me know if you ‘re interested in joining the choir for this experience either in person or via email. — Scott Schoonver