
What we once took for granted in being able to be around one another is now a challenge to achieve in a world with COVID-19.  Staying connected as a family in God always requires intentional effort, and especially so now.  Here are some old and new ways we’re looking to “get together” as a church this fall, both virtually and in person (socially distanced, of course).  Many of these are through Zoom (but not all), and you can join by video on your computer, tablet, or smartphone; or join by audio using your telephone.

Every Sunday morning, Rev. Michael hosts an audio livestream of worship for those who don’t have Internet access but would like to listen via telephone.  Please call him early in the week if you’d like to join worship in this way, and he’ll get you set up.  It’s really easy and sounds great!  (If you’d like to volunteer to be a “phone buddy” for those who need a little bit of help getting connected, contact Rev. Michael so he can pair you with one of our members who needs a little help.)

Every Sunday after online worship, we have a Virtual Fellowship Hour to connect as a congregation and catch up on the goings on of our busy lives just like we would in the Gallery.  It goes from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and the Zoom invitation (including telephone instructions) is provided in Sunday’s church email.

Monday evenings at 7:30 p.m. (9/14 through 10/19), Rev. Michael hosts a 30-minute Zoom prayer group that will reflect on the theme of the week and voice the various joys and concerns we carry using visio divina, scripture, silent meditation, and prayers of the people.  Bring your own candle, and come tend to the Spirit within and among us.  (We’ll offer another session on a morning or afternoon if there is enough interest and common availability.)  If you are interested, please contact Rev. Michael for the link/info to join.

As we’ve been encouraged to practice social distancing during the past six months, people have realized how much they crave human connection.  Not being able to dine with friends, see family members, or interact with church friends has put a strain on the human spirit.  Are you craving some fresh air in wide open spaces?  Are you ready to slowly venture back out into a safe environment that includes church friends safely gathering to commune in nature together? “A Walk in the Park” is the working title for a small group in formation. If you’re curious and would like to learn more about this small group opportunity, contact Ron Lindsey to express your interest.

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“Accidental Saints” is the name of a new small group and Sunday School class starting at Union Avenue on September 20.  From its founding members: “While we expect the group’s focus to organically develop, we are defining our initial mission as an open service oriented group who’s purpose is to explore the intersectionality of church, the LGBTQIA+ community, and allies.  The class will begin with a book study during Sunday School (9:30 – 10:30 a.m.) where we will look at Nadia Bolz-Weber’s book, Accidental Saints. Additionally we will incorporate service projects on a regular basis outside of Sunday School.  Here’s the link to Amazon for those who would like to join in the discussion.”  If you are interested in becoming one of our Accidental Saints, contact Robert Reed, Debbie Stinson, Laurie Kampman, or Doug Rademaker for more information.

If you like games and good stories, we’re looking at trying out a Virtual Murder Mystery Night via Zoom.  This is your chance to play a character, gather clues, and try your hand at whodoneit? or maybe even spoof the sleuth!  We’ll organize this according to who’s interested and when people have a free evening.  Up to 20 persons can participate, and this can be a lot of fun to hang out with each other and solve a mystery together.  Contact Rev. Michael if you’re … (wait for it) … game to try.

We are also looking into a Virtual Prayer Wall for our website where people can confidentially share their concerns and goings on with the minister, Shepherds, or congregation.  We will only use a platform that keeps all information private to protect confidential information from being shared with the public.  Several other churches have similar platforms on their websites, and we hope to find something that’s just right for Union Avenue. Stay tuned...

Finally, if you’d like to catch up on the lives of your fellow church members and happen to have a Facebook account, remember that you can organize your Union Avenue Facebook friends into a unique list that you can click and view specifically.  This way you can intentionally see what people are up to and not miss their posts in your timeline (or whatever algorithm Facebook is applying).  And remember, you can always reach out and touch somebody (but over the telephone, not in person).