If you’ve navigated your way through social media outlets lately, you may have seen a Facebook Premiere — a pre-recorded video that debuts as a live stream. It lets content producers recreate the thrill you'd expect from a TV show premiere … sort of … just in an online format. Sound like a good idea?

In these uncertain times we are experiencing with the Coronavirus Pandemic, we’ve had to reinvent the way we do worship. Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020, will be Union Avenue Christian Church’s first foray into an online Facebook Premiere.

While Premieres isn't exactly original, it makes eminent sense given Facebook's increasing emphasis on Watch originals and the nature of many videos you find on Facebook. In the coming weeks, we’ll deconstruct the Facebook Premiere screen — so you know how many are watching, how to interact, and how to make it a compelling worship experience.

If you have feedback to share, we’d love to hear about it. Thanks, and now on with the show!