!! March 22, 2020.jpg

There is so much information about COVID-19 seeping its way into every communication portal we receive. Some of it solid, and some of it not so good. We are hearing and reading stories of desperation and fear in the face of the unknown that rival our stories of faith recorded millennia ago, and in troubling times it's easy to get swept up in the emotion of that. The late, great Disciples pastor Fred Craddock had this to say about looking out into the world in the midst of turmoil and desperation: "Please, please, please, don't sit on your patio in the high noon of your tranquility and make light of the huts that people build in the midnight of their desperation." Be kind. Be patient. Be filled with compassion in these uncertain times.

Here's a SUNDAY MORNING MESSAGE from Rev. Michael for the fourth Sunday in Lent. Peace to you …