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In partnership with WEEK OF COMPASSION, the Iglesia Cristiana (Disciples de Cristo) en Puerto Rico is helping Mrs. Trinidad piece things back together. Though she received financial assistance from federal programs, the funds would not cover the cost of the extensive repairs. Mrs. Trinidad did not know what else to do when a neighbor referred her to the local Disciples congregation. Disciples leaders soon met with her and began coordinating resources and volunteers to rebuild her home so she can get back to the sewing and serving her community that she loves.

Through the work of Disciples in Puerto Rico, your gifts to WEEK OF COMPASSION are strengthening congregations for disaster response, rebuilding homes damaged by the hurricanes, and helping restore communities.

Your gifts do more than we can imagine!

WEEK OF COMPASSION isn’t a week, a month or a year. It’s the ongoing, year-round relief, refugee and development mission of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The mission equips and empowers Disciples to alleviate the suffering of others through disaster response, humanitarian aid, sustainable development and the promotion of mission opportunities.  

WEEK OF COMPASSION works through a network of church partner organizations and partnerships that insures that the Disciples’ response to humanitarian needs in the world is efficient, effective and faithful. Through these partnerships, Disciples are able to join a tapestry of caring that brings help and hope to hurting people in every corner of the world. In 2018, WEEK OF COMPASSION directly and through its partners, provided disaster relief, emergency assistance, and development, long-term recovery and rehabilitation assistance in response to more than 50 events and needs in the United States, Africa, the Pacific, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East and Europe.  

Gifts to WEEK OF COMPASSION are welcomed throughout the year. During the first two Sundays of March, UACC is placing an emphasis on support for WEEK OF COMPASSION

Please consider a gift to WEEK OF COMPASSION. Checks payable to UACC or cash in an envelope, both with a notation of “Week of Compassion,” may be placed in the offering plate or mailed to the church. Alternatively, gifts may be made on the UACC page of the Givelify app.