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During this stewardship season, our theme is “Devoted to Generosity” based on the story of Tabitha who was devoted to generosity. Her story is told in Acts 9:36-42. At UACC, the story of our devotion to generosity is told through our support of our many mission partners. This support is enabled by the generosity of our congregants and friends, past and present, who have committed themselves to sharing the abundance God has provided to them.  

During the current year, our outreach budget extends our ministry and mission to about 20 non-UACC groups. Our contributions allow these mission partners to positively impact the lives of individuals and communities through local, regional and global programs. Some of these mission partners are other ministries of the Disciples of Christ while others are ecumenical or nonsectarian. Through these mission partners, the reach of UACC goes well beyond the walls of 733 Union Boulevard. 

Among those receiving support from UACC outreach is Disciples Mission Fund (DMF), a common funding system enabling all Disciples of Christ congregations to share resources across the life of the denomination.  DMF brings the whole Church together, connecting us to the life-giving and lifesaving work we have been called to do.  By giving to DMF, we share God’s love from our doorsteps to the ends of the Earth.  Gifts to DMF are distributed to Disciples General Ministries, such as Global Ministries and NBA; Disciples Higher Education Institutions, such as Brite Divinity School; Disciples regional ministries, such as the Mid-America Region of which UACC is a part; the Office of General Minister and President; and other ministries.  

No matter the challenges we face – from combatting racism to ending human trafficking, from starting a church to sustaining a community – as a community of faith worshiping at UACC, we know that by sharing the work with our mission partners, we accomplish what, by God’s design, we cannot do alone.  During this season of stewardship and throughout the year, let us be devoted to generosity.        

   — Randy Palmer, Chair, Finance and Stewardship