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SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, we will gather for worship with friends and neighbors from WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN and PILGRIM CONGREGATIONAL UCC to celebrate the life and reconciling ministry of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Westminster will host this year's ecumenical service, which begins at 11 a.m. 

Our guest preacher will be the Reverend Dr. Ben Sanders, Assistant Professor of Theology and Ethics at Eden Theological Seminary. As an ordained Baptist minister, Dr. Sanders is committed to following Jesus by practicing Christian faith in ways that promote and contribute to social justice and liberation for marginalized communities. He has written on the pervasive role of white supremacy in American society and the church, and regularly teaches, speaks, and preaches on these topics as well. Dr. Sanders has served on the board of the baptist Peace fellowship of North America/Bautista por la Paz (BPFNA), and currently serves on the Alumni Council of Union Theological Seminary, the Steering Committee of the American Academy of Religion’s Black Theology Group, and the Board of Directors of the Alliance of Baptists.

Sunday school for all ages in all the usual places at Union Avenue, beginning at 9:30 a.m.

Our joint choirs will sing and our joint handbell choir will share its gifts. Please plan to join us for this annual joint-worship gathering.