
Rev. Michael Riggs leads our SUMMER EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING, exploring where we come from and what we are called to be as followers of Jesus. Over the course of nine weeks, we'll examine congregational ethics and how churches engage in and maintain healthy systems of relationship. We'll examine the values that make us who we are as a congregation, what our faith teaches us about the mission of the Church, the vision God has for the part of the Church we call Union Avenue Christian, and how we can grow and transform our congregational life and systems to reflect God's vision for us and then make it our mission.

As a starting point to engage in these conversations, please read these ETHICAL GUIDELINES FOR CONGREGATIONAL CONDUCT, provided by the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and available here.

We began our SUMMER EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING in June with a three-part series, CELEBRATING GOD'S RAINBOW: EXPLORING GENDER AND SEXUALITY, in which we examined issues of gender and sexuality. In recent years the culture around us has pushed us to expand our understanding of who "everyone" includes. No longer are we able to think in simple binary terms like woman/man, male/female, masculine/feminine as though these are very clear and distinct categories with particular assigned identities and roles. The spectrum of gender and sexual identities is expanding and continues to evolve. Celebrating God's Rainbow provided a foundation from which we might better understand this expanding spectrum and what it means to welcome everyone to Christ's table. 

Children's programming meets on the second floor in all the usual places. Our combined adult and youth Sunday school programming begins at 9:30 a.m. in the Chapel ... please plan to join us.