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From an early age, we're taught to put ourselves "out there" and do our best, which is, of course, necessary to accomplish good works in our world. The goal is to get from here to there, from inexperience to experience, from fumbling novice to master of authenticity. Along the way, we may be privileged to learn from teachers who inspire us and show us the way to personal growth, selfless service, and community enrichment.

Those teachers who possess the greatest capacity to love us and nurture us eventually prepare us for times in which we find ourselves at a place where there is a fork in the road — a place where new paths must be explored and new relationships nurtured. When this occurs, we're thrust into a life of transformation, and this is where we find ourselves today as the congregation of Union Avenue Christian Church.

Suzanne Webb, our dear, trusted pastor and teacher, has led us to a place where we must now embrace the change and transformation that lies ahead of us. We stand at a fork in the road, and together we must use our accumulated wisdom of the past 13 years to discover new beauty and wonder in the world.

Union Avenue Christian Church is seeking a new pastor to join us in ministry, serving an incredible community and city. For more than 110 years, Union Avenue has been an urban witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the heart of St. Louis, Missouri. We invite you to learn more about our shared ministry of service to our community by exploring our story — DISCOVER UNION AVENUE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Click on the link to the left or click on the link above to read more about who we are and who we hope to become. For more specific information about the position or to express your interest, please contact the Reverend Dr. Penny Ross-Corona ( in the St. Louis office of the Christian Church in Mid-America or by telephone on (314) 918-2515.