As we move into the holiest of weeks in which we relive Jesus' last moments spent with his disciples, we are reminded at every turn that we are never alone. The good news of Holy Week is that this temple called Jesus is our true home. That is where we are bound in faith to live our life and dream our dreams and claim our identities. Most of us, most of the time, find ourselves in the wrong temple — places that make promises of safety that leave us more anxious, offers of joy that leave us disconsolate. Partly we are in the wrong place by will, partly by habit, and partly by accident, but however we find ourselves in the wrong place we are aware of our need to find our way home.  

Our work in the season of Lent has been to move from these false temples to the true temple who is Jesus. And then to receive a different life — the life he calls us to live. 

We invite you to join us for HOLY WEEK activities at Union Avenue, beginning Sunday, April 9, with PASSION SUNDAY. Traditionally, the Sunday prior to Easter is know as "Palm Sunday," but we will be reliving the "passion" of Jesus as related in the gospel according to Mark. The Chancel Choir will share special music in the African-American Spiritual tradition that illustrates the movements of Jesus from his triumphant entry into Jerusalem through his humiliation and judgement at the hands of the Romans.

Holy Week continues as we gather MAUNDY THURSDAY [April 13] with Disciples from Centennial, Memorial Boulevard, and Webster Groves Christian Churches to remember Jesus' "last supper" with his disciples. We will gather here at Union Avenue beginning at 6 p.m. for a potluck supper in the Fellowship Room [members and friends of Union Avenue are asked to bring salads to share]. At 7 p.m. we will meet in the Sanctuary for a service of song, prayer, and the Word. Each of the four churches choirs will share their musical talents, and we will gather at the table for communion before heading into the darkness of the night.

EASTER morning brings with it all the promises of a new day! We continue our Union Avenue tradition of EASTER MORNING BREAKFAST for all and an EASTER EGG HUNT for our children. Our XPLOR residents are hosting this year's breakfast, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Our breakfast menu includes fresh fruit salad, eggs, bacon, biscuits, and other assorted breakfast treats, including coffee, milk, and juice. The Easter egg hunt is will begin at 10:15 a.m. on the lawn.

Morning worship begins at 10:45 a.m. as we celebrate joyously Jesus' victory over death. We will conclude our celebration of new life with members and friends of the congregation joining The Chanel Choir to sing the "Hallelujah Chorus" from Handel's Messiah. Please join us as we find our way home and celebrate new life through Christ.