ARE YOU LOOKING FOR AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE YOUR ENTHUSIASM FOR LIFE WITH OTHERS? The OUTREACH TEAM invites you to join them for HAPPY THURSDAY, beginning Thursday, August 25, at 8:30 a.m. Happy Thursday began last year when Katie Lancaster and Ezra invited other members of the Outreach Team and congregation to join them on Thursday mornings outside the church along Union Avenue waving to passersby, sharing doughnuts and bottled water, and generally wishing the world a HAPPY THURSDAY!

Jessica Graham and Edin have taken over the week-to-week coordination, and they would welcome you to join them any Thursday morning you're available. On August 25 we'll be joined by the XPLOR residents from around the country who will be in St. Louis for their NBA XPLOR "laboratory" week of orientation.

Just in case you're wondering why people would stand on the sidewalk and wave signs and share doughnuts with perfect strangers, here's something a "perfect stranger" posted to Union Avenue's Facebook page: "I've never attended church here, but I live nearby and pass it every day on my way to work. The other day as I was passing, I saw a group standing on the steps holding signs. I will admit my first thought was "oh no, what now?", as I was expecting to see some sort of hate/protest (unfortunate that that's what comes to mind seeing people with signs outside of a church). Instead, the signs said things like "Have a great day!" and "Good morning!" and you know what? I did have a great day, and those signs had something to do with it. It was so nice and refreshing to see smiling, happy people wishing the world a great day, and it was nice to see churchgoers preaching love and happiness. It's something we could use more of. So thank you, whoever was standing out there with those signs. It made my day."

Speak with Jessica Graham if you have questions about HAPPY THURSDAY. It's as simple as just showing up with a smile ... the signs, doughnuts, and bottled water are provided!