Photography meetups are a worldwide phenomenon in which shutterbugs from a particular city, region or community come together to talk about gear, swap tips and techniques, share images and stories, and, most importantly, have fun doing it!

The St. Louis Photography Club has an active meetup community that meets regularly for photo adventures from which amateur judges select first and second place winners from the photographs made. A curated selection of those "monthly winners" are currently on display in the Gretchen Brigham Gallery. Local artist and photographer Valerie Rippey has curated the show, which includes photography from Lori Biehl, Bob Sandor, Lola Leland, RIchard Doyle, Janis Shetley, Christy Schneller, Karen Fletcher, Daniel Yaroschevsky, Karen Ingram, Carol Sluzevich, Undrey Clay, Richard Schons, Richard Keeling, Larry Glenn, Bill Matchan, and Kristen Bagwill.

The Arts Group of Union Avenue is hosting an opening reception to welcome the photographers and unveil the exhibit Saturday, November 7, 3 – 5:30 p.m. The exhibition runs through the end of the month. For gallery hours and information, call (314) 361-8844 to inquire.

Winning entries for this exhibition were announced at the November 7 reception. Congratulations to the following:

Best of Show - Larry Glenn, Rough Life
2nd Place - Carol Sluzevich, The Golden Hour
3rd Place - Richard Keeling, Reclaimed Boat, Blakeney, Norfolk
Honorable Mention, Use of Composition - Ken Shew, Winter Migration Repose
Honorable Mention, Best Landscape - Bob Sandor, This Old Barn
Honorable Mention, Use of Light - Janis Shetley, All Who Enter Here
Honorable Mention, Best b&w - Undrey Clay, Reflections in the Peabody Main Lobby
Honorable Mention, Use of Color - Bill Motchan, Budweiser Clydesdale Mascot "Clyde"