Inspiration comes in many shapes and sizes, and it's especially touching when it comes from the youngest among us! Terry and Catherine Davis were encouraged and inspired by their granddaughter, Sage, to join the “little free library” movement, and Union Avenue Christian Church and our community are the beneficiaries of that generosity of spirit!

In just three years, the non-profit Little Free Library has helped open more than 30,000 micro-libraries cared for by dedicated volunteer stewards who build literacy-friendly neighborhoods by encouraging children and adults to “take a book … return a book.” The movement has reached every U.S. state and Canadian province plus 70 other countries around the world.

Little Free Library seeks to promote literacy and the love of reading by building free book exchanges worldwide, and to build a sense of community as we share skills, creativity and wisdom across generations. The book exchanges bring accessible, curbside literacy to communities that need it most and share more than one million books annually.

When the editors at Reader’s Digest made a list of the “50 Surprising Reasons We Love America” for its July 2013 cover story, they placed Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi at number 50, Bill Gates at number 25, and toilet paper at number 23. Sandwiched between sliced bread and tumbleweeds, at number 11, was Little Free Library, a homespun-tribute-turned-international phenomenon started by Todd Bol in 2009 in memory of his mother, a teacher who loved to read.

Participation is simple: Mount a wooden box (many of them look like birdhouses) on a post in front of your home, workplace, school or church. Fill it with books. Delight as neighbors stop by to browse your selections or leave books of their own!

Under enlightened supervision by Sage (who lives in Albuquerque with her parents), Terry built the library and it was installed (on the southeast corner of our property) this past Sunday. It’s open for business, serving the children of our community!

Terry and Catherine would be pleased to share tips and ideas with you if you're interested in installing a Little Free Library in your own neighborhood. If you would like to contribute books (new or used) to the library, look for the basket in the lobby, and feel free to check out our library … and maybe even borrow a book!

Thanks for the inspiration, Sage! We appreciate you sharing your wisdom with us …