Second Presbyterian Church and Union Avenue Christian Church are co-hosts of the Pfautch Lectures this year on October 20 and 21 (at Second Pres – 4501 Westminster Place, St. Louis63108) with the Reverend Dr. Daisy Machado speaking on THE CHALLENGE OF A BORDERLESS GOSPEL. Dr. Machado is a minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and serves on the faculty of Union Theological Seminary (NYC). She brings a cultural and theological perspective to the debate about immigration reform and Missio Dei – the mission of God. If you’re searching for theologically informed answers on how to respond to the global immigration crisis, you won’t want to miss these lectures.

Her presentation Tuesday, October 20 is titled “The U.S. Latina/Latino Reality: Living Life in Spanglish.” Her presentation Wednesday, October 21 is “Immigration and Missio Dei (The Mission of God).” The lectures are free and open to the public, beginning at 7 p.m.